Year: 2022

The adventure continues

Are we okay? Peru situation

Some folks have been asking if we are okay… Short answer – Yes. Some may not be aware of the current situation in Peru. Timeline: Peru’s political crisis since removal of Pedro Castillo | Politics News | Al Jazeera We were in Peru – actually in the capital – Lima – when these events unfolded.…
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Valparaiso and Vina del Mar

Leaving Patagonia behind, but with Patagonia not leaving our memories for anytime soon, we returned to Santiago and immediately caught the evening bus to Valparaiso, a bohemian town home to art, poetry and stunning alleys and funicular trams running up and down sheer cliffs and steep hills, offering respite from the thousands of steps to…
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Patagonia, Park Ranger Strike Part 2

Conscious that I am posting these articles to LinkedIn, some will justifiably argue this kind of post has no place on a platform (touch wood, I’ve had no angry responses and LinkedIn applauds me for being active)… I believe there is a work-related theme or messaging in all of this. Later, as I describe the…
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Patagonia, Park Ranger Strike and Trekking (Part 1 of 2)

It was about 10 PM at night when we arrived into Puerto Natales from Argentina. The temperature was quite cold and we walked the 1.2 km down to our accommodation. We stayed at the Refugio Bulnes Hostel which was great. Yelka was the hostel manager and having lived in the United States for many years,…
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Chile to Argentina and back. Whew – What a week (actually two)!

It has taken me longer to post this than expected. However, guilt levels are quite low given the amount of action we have seen. The title should probably read “From Santiago to Santiago to Santiago via Argentina in two weeks” which is more accurate because we will have arrived in Santiago three times in two…
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All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go…

This is a follow on post from my initial packing post here. With all the bags and packing cubes organised along with the items we want to take, here is a video of packing the bags. We have a total of 17 kilograms between two people which we can carry in the cabin on our…
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We arrive in South America on the “Day of the Dead”

Halloween, and Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead are unrelated events, but occur at around the same time. Both sound spooky and it is interesting that we will be arriving in Santiago on the second day of this two-day celebration which is primarily celebrating older or adult people who have passed. The…
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Using money overseas – cards and insurance update.

UPDATE 29 October 2022 – With our NAB rewards card which we signed up for to get the travel insurance component of the card now part of our collection of plastic credit and debit options, I wanted to provide an update since the initial trauma of applying for a similar card with another large bank…
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Darwin to Melbourne

Stage One of the journey has formally begun. It began with a last day at work, a final flight in my ultralight plane before I packed it away and a final house lockup before heading to the airport and catching the redeye to Melbourne. Last Day at Work Let’s start with the wrap-up of a…
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GoPro Labs – Superpower Control for your camera

GoPro Labs provides a firmware update for Hero 8 or better cameras which gives you the keys to unlock some cool features on your GoPro. The main one for me is the ability to point my camera at a preprogrammed QR Code which automatically sets my cameras to whatever I want them to do that…
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Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants. Apparently not so common.

So what is a digital native? Entonces, ¿qué es un nativo digital?  It refers to a person born after 1980. Whereas digital natives were born into a world already wired for the internet, digital immigrants come from a more analogue world and had to migrate into a world where the yellow pages was no longer…
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Why Travel?

Some have questioned our decision to take a lengthy trip with the remnants of COVID still impacting lives around the world. The economic downturn driving the Australian dollar to its lowest for a long time makes travel more expensive. Interest rates are on the rise, as is inflation. Housing prices are dropping. Rents are rising.…
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A week in Sydney Australia

The last 2 years have stopped many opportunities for people to meet in person for conferences and professional development opportunities. In August I took time off to visit Edutech in Melbourne, which is a massive conference dedicated to oddly enough, education and technology.  As an Adobe Education Leader, I was invited to the Adobe APAC…
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GoPro 11 Released

And purchased! I have the GoPro 9 and the media mod for the 9 so I opted for the Hero 11 Black. Having a GoPro 9 as my best GoPro means I should be happy with the jump to 11 with Hypersmooth 5.0 and potentially some of the cool night shot features which on a…
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Two-way conversations and AI

The reason for writing a blog is to share thoughts and ideas with other people. The whole nature of sharing is about trying to have a two-way conversation so that what is shown reflects the interests of the viewer and reader as much as the producer or contributor. Many people are happy to consume and…
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