Christmas? This sums it up…

Firstly season’s greetings to all from my worldview to your worldview. Over Christie-mas lunch yesterday, my nephew flagged his most important belief as doing unto others as you would like them to do to you. That sounds a bit religious, however, this simple value is common to humankind and transcends religion and politics. He attributes that belief to family values and I like that.
It is the link between that simple belief and the humanistic approach to life that I saw on display in abundance during our recent visit to Taiwan.
I am going to finish this short post with a photograph of my mother’s cat, Louis, and his unspoken view on Christmas and life… Can a cat have Humanistic values? Who knows. Pictures of cats seem to bring out positive feelings in many people which is why I have included Lethargic Louis on boxing day after a small bowl of barra (a fishy delicacy for humans and cats alike). May your life be as good as his.

Okay, because we were in Taiwan, I must share this image of another animal out with its owners in the middle of bustling Taipei during Christmas festivities. If you look closely you might think it is a new children’s game… cockatoo, cockatoo, goose. After initial disbelief, it was clear everyone was having a great time, including me.