Tag: Patagonia

The adventure continues

Patagonia, Park Ranger Strike Part 2

Conscious that I am posting these articles to LinkedIn, some will justifiably argue this kind of post has no place on a platform (touch wood, I’ve had no angry responses and LinkedIn applauds me for being active)… I believe there is a work-related theme or messaging in all of this. Later, as I describe the…
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Chile to Argentina and back. Whew – What a week (actually two)!

It has taken me longer to post this than expected. However, guilt levels are quite low given the amount of action we have seen. The title should probably read “From Santiago to Santiago to Santiago via Argentina in two weeks” which is more accurate because we will have arrived in Santiago three times in two…
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Itinerary Planning – Chile

Our trip to South America feels like it’s going to be a series of mini holidays or trips. When I look at sites which talk about the top 5 or 10 things to do in a particular place we are going to, I feel as if we could spend up to a month in each…
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